911 Tech announces the launch of two new features to our software.
At 911 Tech, we continually improve our software by adding features and value to our product offerings. Here are a couple new features released this week.
Assets Module – A new module to track and manage large assets.
Photo Enhancement – Add photos to everything you track and manage.
Assets Module
A new module to track and manage large physical assets generally located within your facilities such as desks, chairs, file cabinets and other large, generally stationary items. With the release of our assets module we now offer agencies the ability to track and manage everything your agency owns, all from within one easy-to-use cloud-based product.
This module operates identically to our other modules offering you the ability to track information such as location, cost, assignment and maintenance.
The assets module is included in your subscription at no additional charge. If you wish to activate this module, please contact us.
Photo Enhancement
You can now add a photo to everything you track in our software and the photos will be prominently displayed for easily visual recognition whenever you manage your assets.
While we have always allowed you to add files to everything you track, which included photos, our new photo enhancement displays a large photo prominently on the items management page for quick and easy visual identification of the item you are managing.